Latest Positions

George Paok4 years ago

Hello! i'm using /positions without parameters to get latest positions for every device. That's ok. I'm getting successfully the results.
Then i tried to manually change the lat and long in a latest position of a device. But still the results retrieving the position that does not exists
any more in database. for example before i change lat and lot was latitude = 0, longitude = 0. I changed it manually but still result fetching

Then i deleted every position from database. and still result fetching 0,0 for latest position. is it possible to change that?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You should not change data in the database directly. Traccar has internal cache.

George Paok4 years ago

And what should i do now, that i ve deleted all data in positions table?
If i wait next batch of data from gps trackers it will be ok?