Localisation source issue

Fleetracker7 years ago

Hi everybody
I'm a new user of hidden version of traccar client. I use Samsung mini for tests.
I remarked in my case that localisation is updated only if GPS mode or mobile data (especially 3G not 2G) mode is activated.
Does cellular mode in traccar application means "mobile data" for android ? and which coverage 2G / 3G is required to update localisation?.
If it's the case, how to track for example a smartphone connected to a private wifi AP, without having access to Internet through cellular network (only Call mode is allowed).

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Not sure what you mean by cellular mode. There is a "network location provider". If that's what you are referring to, then it can use both 2G/3G network and WiFi. Make sure that it's enabled in your phone settings.

Fleetracker7 years ago

They are 3 mode of localisation at client tarrcar app:
1- GPS mode
2- Cellular mode
3- and Hybrid mode

My question was is: if second mode (cellular mode) is the choice? does internet access through ISP is a necessary condition to have localisation data?
At this case, if my smartphone is connected to Internet through a private WIFI access point (not public AP), could i have localisation data to transmit to traccar server ?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There are 3 modes:

  1. GPS
  2. Network
  3. Mixed

For the second option you need internet connection. It can be WiFi or mobile data.