location is displayed incorrectly

lvkka year ago

Good afternoon. Please help. There is traccar on the server, GPS trackers work like clockwork, amazing. But when setting up traccar on the phone and browsing the archive of this mobile tracker, there is no correct location. It feels like the signal only hits the cell towers. It does not depend on the device model and version. There are 10 different phone devices and each one is the same. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/s3e5-aI-zXDs

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What accuracy have you selected?

lvkka year ago

tried with medium and high accuracy, the result is the same

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Only high accuracy is GPS. And you need to make sure it's enabled on the phone and in the app permissions.

lvkka year ago

Still the same problem. And parameters such as frequency, distance, angle do not affect this? Also included are 2 items Offline buffering and wake blocking. Should they be included?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

No other parameters affect it.

lvkka year ago

on several devices set high accuracy I will observe. Is it possible to send a command to the remaining phones to set high accuracy? Or is it necessary that it be in my hands and only from the application can I change it? Another very interesting question is why the tracker phone is not online, although the Internet is on and all permissions have been issued.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Commands are not supported.

As for not online question, you should follow the troubleshooting guide.

lvkka year ago

Can't find command for Traccar Client to change gps setting to high

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Again, commands are not supported.

lvkka year ago

changed high accuracy on all phones and nothing has changed. what else to try?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I don't think there's anything else. If you have enabled high accuracy and you still get inaccurate location, it means that's the only location your device has an access to.