Log-out after using token

When using token login then user log-out that token present it always not log-out completely.

Need some of feature.
Not store login session after closed browser when using token

Thank you for the best software open source.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Token is part of URL, so there is nothing you can do about it.

Possible to remove token url when log-out?

This is demo user
After log-out need to redirect to login page.

Thank you...

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It's possible, but you would still have it in browser history and by clicking back you can open it again.

Hussah Saleh5 years ago

I have same issue.

Traccar is in server X
My app is in server Y

In server Y: I logged in to server X by "URL Token" to use the API in "simple.js" map file.

So, when I try to logout using /api/session DELETE, it logged out from server Y.
However, simple map is not logged out and if I typed in the browser, the server X url, it shows that I am still logged in.

Is there a way to remove token session without using above url mentioned by "Arkom Muhummudtohet"?

Thank you,

Vasilev5 years ago

is there any update on this?
