Looking for a device that...

IoSonoPiero5 years ago

... can do the following
Hello people, I'm a real beginner with GPS devices, so I'd like to receive help, if possible.
My needs are for a device that:

  • can transmit position every X seconds, and I can program X;
  • can be enabled by SMS, or a call, or from remote;
  • can be enabled if exits from a certain place, or when the engine starts;
  • can acquire energy from car's battery and got energy only when in use.

I know, maybe a device like that is not existant, but if there's one that can do most of the things I need, I'll evaluate the purchase.

Someone can help me, please?

Tony Shelver5 years ago

How much googling have you done? That about describes most devices sold for car tracking, and are in fact a very minimal spec.
Look at the list of supported devices and protocols here and then do some googling.

Also, I would recommend you look for an OBDII compliant device, as they are much simpler to install (plugs into the OBD diagnostic plug. If the unit doesn't come with an extension cable, get an extension cable.
Most trackers will go into a sleep mode after a time if the vehicle is switched off and stationary.
Most will restart when the vehicle moves or switched on: note that if not an OBD device, you will need to connect directly to an always-on feed, as well as to a source that is activated at ignition, and then neutral (ground).
Most will require vehicle power to operate: currently our battery-only devices get about 2 days of battery life when polling every 30 seconds.

You can buy from China, but my experience is that many of these can be problematic, so a more local source that provides backup is advisable for a first time buyer, and the unit will be more likely to meet local cell network standards.

Look here https://www.traccar.org/protocols/ for a list of supported protocols. If you have Traccar loaded, the default.xml config file lists all of the protocols and ports.

Tony Shelver5 years ago

Additionally, it's pointless to advise on specific products, as we have no idea where you are, or what is available in your local market....

IoSonoPiero5 years ago

Wow, Tony, thanks for the answser!
I live in Italy and I've used Google a lot, but to receive only websites that have "great devices". They are all good, according to websites.
I need something I can use for my 2 cars, Ford Fiesta 6th series and Opel Corsa E-series.
They have both ODB, of course, but the position is very inconvenient.
I'll let an electrician mount everything.

I'm open to suggestions, I don't have a fixed budget but I'm not looking something cheap. I'll buy two devices, two SIM cards and use them to protect and track my cars.
That's all.
You can give me some advice regarding some good device, if possible?

Elsa Mo5 years ago

Hi there,

maybe you could try the model as below link showed:

more pls contact,
Email: elsa@vjoycar.com
Skype: elsa.vjoycar

IoSonoPiero5 years ago

That's an interesting model!