low battery notification

Primtek6 years ago

is there any way to send notification when device in low battery condition?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Yes, it's one of the alarms, if your device supports it.

Primtek6 years ago

as I use our mobile app, we can get battery event conditions, what url address for sending this data to server? ..
any tech doc for this?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If you are talking about Traccar Client app, it doesn't support low battery alarm.

Primtek6 years ago

I meant .. we use our mobile app and we want to send data about battery conditions to the server ..

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What protocol are you using to report data to the server?

Primtek6 years ago

sorry, I don't know what you mean..
my thought 's I able to send something like what I have done with sending location but with different parameters

like below.. I send location data to server using address below:


so .. my thought 's something like

http://demo5.traccar.org:5055/?id=113460&current_battery=30 (meant.. the battery is 30%)..
do you have something like this?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

OK, the examples that you provided are for OsmAnd protocol. You can send a low battery alarm over it with something like this:

Primtek6 years ago


how about low gsm signal?

where can I find the tech doc for this?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago