Low Battery Notification

Cristian5 months ago

I need to clarify a doubt I have, does Traccar send the low battery notification because it receives it directly from the device?
I want the notification to be sent when the percentage is less than 33% and I need to know if I have to configure it in the devices or in the platform.
Any suggestions?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

The answer is yes.

Track-trace5 months ago

Which device do you use ?

The device sends the Alarm when it has low battery (not only the percentage) but i am talking about the Watch protocol.


Ps. Cristian,

Can you please write an detailed explanation here in this forum post about whatsapp integration. Im interested to try it out.

Cristian5 months ago

Ok, it is clear to me that I need to look at the options offered by the devices.
Thank you very much

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

There's also an option to use computed attributes.