Markers map

You ka year ago


It's possible to get markers on map for route with modern interface like on the legacy version ?

Please see screen below

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You can't have arrows, but you have dots.

You ka year ago

How can i add dots please for route report

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What version are you using?

You ka year ago

I'm using 5.6 the newest

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Then you should already have the dots.

You ka year ago

I only see a blue line when i run a route report

Anton Tananaeva year ago


You ka year ago

Could you please share a screen of how dots looks like on the map ?

You ka year ago
Anton Tananaeva year ago

That's trips report, not route report.

You ka year ago

Got it thanks ! I don't know why the App become very slow when i run a route report even for one unit during a single day, it's more slow when i try to see route in map, everything works fine except route report

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Probably too much data. How many locations are you extracting?

You ka year ago

Even when the vehicle has not moved during the day

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Can you answer the question?