Memory usage (Server 3.2 and 3.3 difference)

jaimzj8 years ago

Dear Anton,

I have multiple instances of 3.2 server running and 1 instance of 3.3 (VPS Instances same, provider, same hardware).

I see that 3.2 Traccar server with 8 devices consume lesser memory than 3.3 with 0 devices.

Please find the screenshot, also for 3.2 installation I have 100's ++ of devices running with barely 2Gb memory being used. Screenshot here

Any particular reason this could be happening?

  • Also I see database columns have been renamed again, ?
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Is it a screenshot of Traccar memory usage or the whole server?

As for database columns, I had to rename them because old names were reserved keywords in some databases and they conflict with new scripts.

jaimzj8 years ago

The whole server Memory Usage it is, both screenshots (3.2 and 3.3) whole server Memory usage.

However let me also add, that when the Traccar service 3.3 is disabled the memory usage is back down to 204 Mb. (Similary to 3.2 with few devices)

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Do both server have same version and configuration of Java runtime?

Java usually reserves some space for the heap, but it doesn't mean Traccar service actually uses all of it. You can put a heap size limit in the wrapper.conf file if required.

jaimzj8 years ago

Yes, exactly the same version of Java on both server, the only difference is that.

the lower memory usage is on Ubuntu 14.04
and Higher memory usage is on Ubuntu 15.04

While the config, software setup, Hardware is all same. (Except OS version) as mentioned above.

What I will do is, I will wait till I add upto 50 devices on this High memory usage instance, and see if its making a huge difference than I have seen in earlier version, and accordingly try to figure out?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Probably Java default parameters are different for newer version of Ubuntu, but I don't expect that Traccar server would actually use more memory.