Message java error of login only when connected on my database

Jose B4 years ago

Hi Anton,

When the user type misspells his username or password, he should show the value of "loginFailed" (from C: \ Program Files \ Traccar \ web \ l10n \ pt_BR.json). But, instead of that its shows a java error message in the windows:

   begin 0, end -1, length 18 - StringIndexOutOfBondsException (... <ServletHelper:17 < SessionResource:110 <...)

it JUST OCCUR when set traccar to my PRODUCTION Mysql. In the homologation ( native traccar) is ok

Please, could you help me?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

This has already been discussed. It's a known issue and it's already been fixed in the code.

Jose B4 years ago

Thank you for quicly answer. I am using traccar 4.7, but mysql production was created since traccar 3.10 .

I google this sintaxy but I could not found the topic that you have mentioned.
Could you send me , please, the link of this topic?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago
Jose B4 years ago

thank you