NoClassDefFoundError when sending HTTP post command

Jens S5 years ago

Hi at all,
I'm implementing a client on arduino. After reading quite a few topics I brought it to send data to my server.
But I still have some problems with my message content which gives me an error from server:

error - io/netty/handler/codec/http/DefaultLastHttpContent - NoClassDefFoundError (... < WrapperInboundHandler:57 < ... < BasePipelineFactory:131 < ... < *:108 < ...)

Checking HEX content -> Hm, everything in as I would expect or as it was send:

Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 85


I suppose my message is wrong, but can't catch my mistake.
Could anyone give me a hint, what might be wrong? Are there any further informations necessary?


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

You should read some documentation on what form content should look like. Your one is definitely incorrect, but I'm not sure if that's the issue here.

Jens S5 years ago

After having no time to spend on this project, I reactivated it last weekend. Finally it is working now.
The content was wrong and this was in fact the issue. The library I used for sending the post command splits my message. The part with the position information was put to "body" as I missunderstood the help for the input arguments.
After correcting this by adopting the old function to my needs the server is understanding the messages.
Sometimes it is definitely better to put things aside for a while. But netherless I'm glad to find your project and deeply thanks for your (pre)work.