Notification email

Alf-DK3 years ago


When Traccar sends out a notification email. is it then to all users or can you choose which users it should send to?
Because I want to avoid getting emails from all my users when they set up an alarm.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Each user sets up their own notifications, of course.

Alf-DK3 years ago

Yeah ok now it works.
Removed everything in admin login (Alarms geofences etc)
Because it seemed that if there was an alarm or a geofences in the admin login then it was also included in the other logins.

Alf-DK3 years ago

I need to get an email when there is power on Di1 and Di2 and Di3 on an older teltonika box where I can decide what the text is in the email
I have searched around the forum here but did not find exactly what I needed.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You would have to study the source code.