Notification panel empty/blank after upgrade to 3.15

jaimzj6 years ago


I upgraded from 3.14 to 3.15,
OS : Ubuntu
Traccar official web and official version of app.

Issue : the notifications panel shows up empty.

Error's seen : None
Error in wrapper log : Error: Can't DROP 'uk_user_token'; check that column/key exists [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE gps.users DROP KEY uk_user_token] (This error in wrapper log, there has been previous posts that said, its safe to ignore so I am ignoring) other than that i do not see any errors. or reason as to why this happened after upgrade.

screenshot :

and when trying to send a command, under command dialog box, while selecting type drop box it returns the following http error.

screenshot :

please do advice, on how to troubleshoot this situation.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You have to upgrade everything properly. Looks like you haven't updated web app.

jaimzj6 years ago

Hello Anton,

I upgraded using the installer. after uninstalling and removing old installation. it's a fresh installation.

web app in the installer by default installs same i am using.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Please provide a link to your server.

jaimzj6 years ago

I have emailed you the details.

Also now I do see that the web-interface seems to be working all well...