Notification token attribute not being generated

ushera year ago


I'm having a problem, my android/ios app stopped creating tokens in user attribute. I see we don't have the token column in the database anymore, maybe it's something related to that?

Something strange happens, when I'm logged into the app and I send a test notification through the platform, my app receives it, this happens even without any token generated.

I remove the app and install again, login and still no token is created

a while ago everything worked fine.

Has anyone gone through this, can you give me any advice?


Anton Tananaeva year ago

Where exactly are you checking for the token?

There was never a separate column for the notification token. Maybe your confusing API token with push notifications token? Those are very different things.

ushera year ago

Hello Anton

I am verifying the user account. account/attribute

sorry for the token column error.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If there's really no notification token, then it's impossible to receive test push notifications. Maybe you have another user?

micruhaa year ago

Хочу подписаться на этот вопрос. У меня тоже с токенами уведомления непонятная ситуация. Зарегистрировал четырёх пользователей с разных устройств, два Android с Google-сервисами, один Honor без Google-сервисов и один iPhone. Токены уведомления есть только у аккаунтов со смартфонов с Google-сервисами, у других атрибут "Токены уведомления" пустой. Решил для уведомлений использовать Telegram, благо все пользователи Traccar им пользуются.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

На смартфоне без гугл сервисов естественно не будет push работать. На iPhone должен если официальная версия.