
jack s4 years ago

I'm using traccar push notification, but I got InvalidRegistration error response.
Can you help?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

My guess there's some issue with the token. You should probably provide more details.

jack s4 years ago

This is my config:

Notification config image

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Did you manually set user token? Who told you to do that?

jack s4 years ago

I did not see any notificationtoken in user attributes, I set it manually.
And when I tracked the code in debug mode I got error in completed(Object o) function
InvalidRegistration error response.

    public void sendSync(long userId, Event event, Position position) {
        final User user = Context.getPermissionsManager().getUser(userId);
        if (user.getAttributes().containsKey("notificationTokens")) {

            Notification notification = new Notification();
            notification.body = NotificationFormatter.formatShortMessage(userId, event, position).trim();

            Message message = new Message();
            message.tokens = user.getString("notificationTokens").split("[, ]");
            message.notification = notification;

                    .header("Authorization", "key=" + key)
                    .async().post(Entity.json(message), new InvocationCallback<Object>() {
                public void completed(Object o) {

                public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
                    LOGGER.warn("Firebase notification error", throwable);

I did not know where is the variable KEY_TOKEN assigned a value in android app?

public final static String KEY_TOKEN = "keyToken";
Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You set it incorrectly. It should a Firebase device token, not your server key.