Optimize / Reduce Geocode calls

ke5stl9 years ago

Hey there Anton,

great to see all the work you continue to do. Thank you!

One thing I was looking at, particularly for trackers that are stationary, is that it appears that repeated requests to geocode the same location are being made.

I wonder if it would not make good sense to save the location details in a distinct table (eg: geocoded or locations) and use the lat/lon as the key, and check there first, to see if there's already a value before running off to the geocoding service each time.

potentially, you could also have the database table join to the table based on the lat/lon of the position, instead of having the address being duplicated in each row. something to think about.

I'd really like to minimize the number of calls to the geocoding service though.

best regards

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I have just implemented in-memory caching of addresses. The functionality will be available in the next release.

ke5stl9 years ago

sounds good. thank you Anton

best regards,