Overlat the maps with my data

Dear Mr.Tananev

How i can import my own map data ( boarders, names, streets... ) to be overlayed in traccar maps.

2nd question, in the reports i ned to get the exact name of the location not only lon/lat.

Best Regards

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
  1. You would need to change code for that.

  2. You need to use reverse geocoding.

Thanks alot for reply

1- which code or which class should i change?

2- where i can find reverse geocoding in web app?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
  1. You should study the code. There is also paid support if you need help with code customisation.

  2. There is documentation. Use search before asking.

Okay, thanks alot

The reverse geocoding its working , in the default.xml there is :

<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>google</entry>

Its showing me the name of city, but i need the exact location ( name of street ) also .

Best Regards

kaykor7 years ago

Does google provide that information for the city in question?