Persistent issues on traccar 5.3

Oluwatobi2 years ago

Dear Group, i don't know if i am the only one, but i have persistent issue on several clients after upgrading to 5.3

1: Session always expire once you kill the app.
we are always required to enter username and password every-time we open the app, i have tried setting session to true in default config but the issue still persist.

2: Blank map page: I honestly I don't know how to regenerate this, but 60% of users complain that they see a blank map page. no display on the map, and when you set "show map on selection" the page goes to a blank white page. my web-sanitize has been set properly in config. please note that both the default map and custom map has this issue. issue has also been spotted both on IOS & Android (Traccar Manager)

3: Device going offline when ignition is on: at some random time, a device working properly will go offline once the ignition of the vehicle is on. the device will stay offline until the vehicle ignition is on again.
also when you query device location via sms it works fine without issue.
I am not sure if this is a server problem, but this issue was first spotted after upgrading to 5.3. I have been using the same device with protocol ho2 for over 2 years now and i have never experienced this, hence it is safe to say its more of a server problem.

4: multiple notification: as i said, i am not sure how to regenerate the issue, but majority of the time, 70% of clients complained the device is sending multiple notification, ignition on keeps coming through out the duration of the trip... and the device sometimes will go offline and wont come back online until the ignition goes off.

5: Trip report: Trip report are broken down into bits, this means a stop for less than 1 minutes automatically ends a trip, and some other trips are as short as 2 minutes. when i generate the trip report, i could get 10 trips for a trip that is actually 1 in reality.

6: Realtime tracking: Realtime tracking took a different approach. on the more info of a device, you would see that fixtime/servertime/devicetime could have reported 1hour ago. but when you go to check vehicle route, you would see realtime location and data for that particular vehicle. I have spotted this on 3 vehicles that randomly went offline.

7: Notification on Custom app I have withdrawn my custom app because notification is not working properly. The only settings i modified was on traccar config, where i replaced token with the long bunch of configuration. is there anything extra i am supposed to do?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You have mix of things:

  • Some are completely unrelated to 5.3. Like trips always worked the same way.
  • Some are probably valid issues and many already fixed.
  • Some are probably misconfiguration.