Possibility to limit the time span of data accessibility

dgrub6 years ago

Hi Anton,

is there any possibility to limit the time span, how long data can be accessed?

According to the General Data Protection Regulation my clients have to set how long data will be available for a report.
For instance: User A sets the time where data is available to 24 hours. So if he decides to create a report, data will only be shown from yesterday and today. User B sets the time where data is available to 4 weeks, so data of the last 4 weeks will be shown in the report. It should be able to set the time span once, in order that data outside of this time span will not be displayed automatically.

If there is no function to restrict the data availability in Traccar, could you please give me a hint how to obtain this function?

Thank you in advance!

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There is a global configuration for number of days history is stored, but there is no per-user configuration. It should be fairly easy to implement though. You can even just use some SQL script outside of Traccar server to do it.

dgrub6 years ago

Thank you for your reply.

Is this the correct configuration:

 <entry key='database.positionsHistoryDays'>70</entry>

or is there any other configuration for number of days history is stored?

Currently I'm using Traccar version 3.12.
As I'm no SQL programmer, I don't think it will be fairly easy for me to implement.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Looks correct, but I'm not sure if 3.12 has it under the same key.

dgrub6 years ago

so, the other possibility for the key is database.historyDays, correct?

And there is no problem that I'm using a H2 database instead of a SQL database?
Does the cleaning happen automatically every day? And does it happen when I'm running the server with this configuration for the first time?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It might be database.historyDays. I don't remember.

It should work just fine with H2, but I would strongly recommend that you change database to MySQL or some other proper DB engine.

It does happen automatically every day, but I don't think it happens when you start server. You need to wait for 24 hours.