
You k4 years ago

Hi, i'm facing an issue when editing reports on traccar server
when i try to select more than one vehicle and run the report i get communication failure
i've same issue even when selecting only one vehicle for any period of time
report works only for some trackers and only when one vehicle is selected
does anyone have an idea about that behaviour ? thanks

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It usually means that report timed out. You should check queries in the database. Maybe you are missing an index of maybe your server is just too slow.

You k4 years ago

i've only 110 as free ram from 3848
otherwise how can i check queries in the database (i'm using Mysql)

Thanks a lot

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

There's plenty of information online on how to profile and debug live SQL queries. I would start with running a query manually and checking execution plan.

You k4 years ago

thanks Anton but the question is why the report works fine when i select only one vehicle and return communication failure when i select more than one for longer period of time ?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Is the answer not obvious? More data = slower report.

You k4 years ago

Hi Anton,

i totally agree with you about that point and i'm thinking about increasing the server memory but i find stranger that for some trackers, the report doesn't work and return communication failure even when i select only one and only for the periode of yesterday
on the console developper (chrome) the request doesn't return 200 it still pending, timedout and canceled
same behaiviour on mozilla even after increasing the timeout

Thanks for your insights

Ronald3 years ago

younes karim Hi. Did you manage to find a solution? I am searching but no luck