Restore Admin User

DeZ7 years ago


I have a problem with my admin user.

I change it to no admin user i don't be able to rollback.

I have only 1 user

I try to change in database but it's not working

UPDATE traccar.users SET readonly=b'0', admin=b'1', devicereadonly=b'0' WHERE id=1;

Can you give the sql to restore admin user ?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Have you restarted service after running that query?

DeZ7 years ago

Hello, after restarting service it's working


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Have you checked logs?

DeZ7 years ago

No all working good and my admin account is restored

What is expected in log ?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Sorry, I misread. I thought it doesn't work.