Reverse geocoding server unavailable + lost positions

zgps2 years ago

Dear all,

I noticed twice this situation:
I'm using Nominatim (own hosted) + Traccar 4.15. All positions reverse geocoded.
My Nominatim server didn't available for some hours, so Traccar didn't get reverse geocoding data.
Some hours later after the geocoding server didn't worked, that the arrived positions didn't stored in the database. The Teltonika devices didn't resend those positions because they received the acknowledgment replies correctly sent by Traccar.

I think there is some kind of queue that was full due to the geocoder didn't available.
Please help me protect the arrived positions in similar situations. Ok, I know, the reverse geocoder server needs to available all the time, but sometimes things happens.

Thanks in advance,

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Even when geocoding fails, it should store the data. There must have been some other error. You need to check logs to understand what happened.

zgps2 years ago

Ok, thanks Anton, I will come back after I analyzed correctly the logs.