Send Data to Server

rbfritz8 years ago

I am tring to implament into a app that ive created a way to send data to the server.

In this example what do i need?{0}&lon={1}&timestamp={2}&hdop={3}&altitude={4}&speed={5}

Do i need these values to be reported back to the server?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

At least you need to send lat (latitude) and lon (longitude).

rbfritz8 years ago

Ok do it need to have these {} wrapped around them

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

No, you just need to put values after equals sign. It's a standard HTTP URL.

rbfritz8 years ago

Thank you Anton. I will definitely be donating. Great work!

dimonchik8 years ago
I am tring to implament into a app that ive created a way to send data to the server. In this example what do i need?

Hello rbfritz. This is your application?
Could you share some ideas?
For example, how to make geo-objects?