Server and IoS Client

Raffaele5 years ago


I've a very strange behaviour with Traccar and the IoS Client application.

I don't really understand why but sometimes the server is able to decode what the application sends, sometimes not.

I've the perception the only message works is the first one after I disable/enable the Service on the app, but I'm not sure so posting more details.

I tried to check the differences between the two OSMAND messages but apparently they look the same:

This is the one working: (decoded with hex-decoder from traccar)

POST /?id=1896756×tamp=1565504235&lat=41.726589&lon=12.292539&speed=0&bearing=0&altitude=6.997646331787109&accuracy=10&batt=94 HTTP/1.1
Host: ***********:5055 (hidden for security reason but rest sure it's 100% same in both cases
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Language: it-it
User-Agent: TraccarClient/52 CFNetwork/811.5.4 Darwin/16.7.0

Not Working:

POST /?id=1896756×tamp=1565505908&lat=41.726515&lon=12.292632&speed=0&bearing=0&altitude=7&accuracy=65&batt=97 HTTP/1.1
Host: ******:5055
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Language: it-it
User-Agent: TraccarClient/52 CFNetwork/811.5.4 Darwin/16.7.0

I don't see any difference between the two honestly..

Raffaele5 years ago

Couple more info maybe useful:

  1. I'm using traccar/traccar docker container from
  2. The device itself "looks updated", in the sense that I see it on from less than 1 minutes (I assume that means Traccar decoded the message and read the Id, but not the coordinates as the location is still the old one, like 1 hour or more old, even if I was moving).


Raffaele5 years ago

Looks like removing georesolver fixed the problem, it seems you've to remove it completely. Even the on request option doesn't make everything working. I'm wondering why this is happening and why there is no log message showing any error on this.

I was using Googleapi, I moved to LocationIQ but issue was the same.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

The problem is likely that device disconnects before request is finished.

Raffaele5 years ago

You mean disconnects from HTTP/TCP prospective?

The point is that I should see the updates in the database, but don't see them.

If this is the case , how can I make it longer (they're is no proxy in the middle).
