slow platform

JOANNY GARCIA6 months ago

When producing reports for several days the platform becomes slow, how can I improve this slowness?

JOANNY GARCIA6 months ago

does not filter repetitions of records at speed 0 km/h

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Have you enabled filtering?

JOANNY GARCIA6 months ago

I am using a GPS that connects through port 5013. It does not filter the speed repetitions 0 km/h
What could be because it doesn't filter?

JOANNY GARCIA6 months ago

Yes, filtering is enabled

JOANNY GARCIA6 months ago

Everything seems to indicate that only the one that connects through port 5013 passes with that GPS.

JOANNY GARCIA6 months ago

When reporting, the use of ram memory in the Chrome browser skyrockets, consuming more than 1 GB of ram and slowing down the PC.
Why is this happening ????

Richard Acosta6 months ago

Because your PC is slow.... And Chrome is a piece of cr4p...

Miko Bonzo5 months ago

Seems you need to standardize some data archiving. Specially if you house a lot of records already. Then keep a specific range.

B.Ihab5 months ago

Hi there,
I noticed that too, on some other gps server you can choose the range, then click on generate, it tooks some time - more if the range in bigger - but when you get the response from api, the UI does'nt feel slow or buggy, but on traccar - I think cause of react of something - is the range is big - even 1 weeks if yiu have lot of records - you won't be able to navigate on the map or zoom, if someone have some hints

Richard Acosta4 months ago

No, that's not true.
I have made that kind of inquiry and altough is slow to bring the data and show it, I can fiddle around as much as i want.

You need a good PC to handle it.