Sony Xperia running Android 14 - client position not updating at desired interval

Mike4 months ago

First, love Traccar - thanks and kudos!

I added a new device - a Sony Xperia running Android 14 - with identical config (except device id) as other clients already properly working. Client version is the one currently available in the official Play store.

However, the new device is only sending updates to the server on a multi-hour basis (current update is over 5 hours old). The configured update interval is 120 seconds. I don't see any attempts in the client logs between the updates. The other previously-existing devices continue to update at the proper interval.

I have Sony's "stamina mode" disabled, and did all the usual stuff - enabled background location and disabled battery optimization, background activity and data restrictions for Traccar Client.

I went with Sony in part due to the relatively positive rating at (well, the hardware is nice, and headphone jack + microsd don't hurt either!)


Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Sony is better than some of the worst vendors, but it's still bad. Pixel devices are the best options because they run pretty much stock Android.

Mike4 months ago

The dontkillmyapp guys say the stamina mode is the one real showstopper, and it's easily disabled (which I've done).

This is my first time using Android 14 - but from another post here it seems 14 isn't necessarily a problem (at least with the latest Traccar Client version)..? Have you run into issues with v14?

Anyone else trying to use an Xperia on Android 14?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

I have not, but I don't use the app regularly. But during testing it worked just fine for me.