Teltonika device offline

karolis7 years ago

I have FMA110 teltonika module. I set my ip address and 5027 port in device. I opened port in my router and pc firewalls. But still nothing. There is no log in server.

Any idea how to fix this?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
karolis7 years ago

Thank you for reply, i already checked before posting.

  1. No logs. only server starting up information.
  2. Port check is ok. Internet can see my port.

Device configured by Teltonika support, i changed only server IP address and port (because they are using their own)

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please follow troubleshooting guide step by step. It will tell you exactly what the problem is.

karolis7 years ago

Thank you.

My bad, wrong configuration in my miktotik firewall.

I have next question, why my coordinates is 0.000000. Do i need to check my module?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Yes. Traccar shows whatever your device reports.

karolis7 years ago

Thank you Anton for your help. One more question does Traccar support tacho information?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Depends on how Teltonika sends it. I'm not sure. If it comes as standard attributes, then Traccar should be able to handle it (possibly as generic IO fields).

karolis7 years ago

Now im saving everything to MySQL database. After i changed mysql password, somehow traccar dumped database and installed again (its ok, no problem for me). But after this position table in empty. I can see how trucks are moving in web application, all my 3 devices is online, but dunno why only position table is empty. Any idea what is wrong?

In logs i this error:

Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97da, ...' for column 'address' at row 1 - MysqlDataTruncation (... < QueryBuilder:475 < DataManager:301 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-08-30 05:48:25  INFO: [DD3AB30B] id: 352094084470100, time: 2017-08-30 05:47:32, lat: 55.69400, lon: 21.20906, speed: 40.0, course: 158.0

Can it be because of address?

Yes, it because of address that cant understand \xC4\x97d.
I changed from from varchar to longblob and now i can get data

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You have problem with character encoding in your database. It has been discussed many times before. Use search.