TK103-format but logs saying gps103

pabben4 years ago

I'm having problems with decoding my gps. When i manually identify the protocol, the hex decoder gives me the tk103"-format, but the logs appear as gps103 (as far as i understand the logs?)
Ppolling request recieved as sms gives coordinates as it should.

I've tried port 5001 (gps103) and 5002 (tk103). When i use port 5002, it still appears in the log as gps103.


2020-05-21 20:59:10  INFO: [392b9f3f: gps103 <] HEX: 283038373037343039343833344252303032303035323141353831392e373533334e30303831332e32333332453030302e303138353930383030302e30302c30303030303030304c303030303030303029


2020-05-21 20:44:26  INFO: [cf9a5d85: gps103 <] HEX: 283038373037343039343833344252303032303035323141353831392e353534364e30303831322e34343639453035352e313138343432343036312e36362c30303030303030304c303030303030303029
Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It's not possible to have two protocols on the same port, so it means that your device is still sending to the GPS103 port (5001).

pabben4 years ago

I found a mis-configuration in my router pointing all ports to 5001.

Problem solved thanks to your answer :)