Tk103 ID length changed.

Leif Neland6 years ago

After upgrading to the latest 3.17, my OBDII-tracker, using port 5002, protocol TK103 went offline.
I finally discovered in the log "Unknown device nnnnnnnnnnnn", ID length 12 digits.
The ID, presumably the EMSI-number, used to be longer, 16 characters I think; there were more digits in front of the id in the log.

When I changed the ID to the one listed in the log, the tracker went online again.

I don't seem to see this in the changelogs.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Traccar has been using 12-digit ids for TK103 protocol for a very very long time now.

Leif Neland6 years ago

Well, then I have been using the older version for a long time.

I believe I installed the previous version last year, but I might be mistaken. However, now the issue can be googled ;-)