Traccar 4.8 does not render markers.

URLEY REY4 years ago


I have updated to the latest version of traccar 4.8 and after having it running, I find the following fault and I have not been able to solve it: every time I consult a tour of the history of the devices and select the option show markers, this will not render me all on the map. I attach a supporting image to see how it can be solved.

Thank you, attentive to your comments.

I leave you a link if you can't see it:

rolsch4 years ago

same by my server 4.8 installation.

When i go up/down in the route point-/timeline-list then the missing points was rendered.

URLEY REY4 years ago

Entonces es una falla en la versiĆ³n porque me regrese a la 4.6 y todo sigue bien...

simplementese4 years ago

Exactly, the same thing happened since 4.7 came out
I thought it was just my mistake.
What happens is that it marks only a few.
But if you click on the reports one by one, they will all be checked.

Any solution?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Without specific steps to reproduce this consistently, nothing is going to be solved.

URLEY REY4 years ago

hello anton!

I appreciate reviewing the image I sent you, I explain a little, each time we reproduce a trip; it does not show the markers in their entirety on the tracking line. Leave me an email and send a video so you can understand the failure.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You can use support email address or even better share a video here.