Traccar 5.4 Issue in Login Screen

Reyad Murrar2 years ago

We have notice an issue when log in to traccar, which is the user name is case sensitive!

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It was always the case. Actually it depends on your database settings.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I just double-checked. The query is exactly the same in version 4.14 and 5.4:

SELECT * FROM tc_users WHERE email = :email OR login = :email
GPS12 years ago

I noticed that the default.xml from 5.4 dont have this elements :

<entry key='database.loginUser'>
        SELECT * FROM tc_users
        WHERE email = :email OR login = :email

    <entry key='database.selectPositions'>
        SELECT * FROM tc_positions WHERE deviceId = :deviceId AND fixTime BETWEEN :from AND :to ORDER BY fixTime

    <entry key='database.selectLatestPositions'>
        SELECT tc_positions.* FROM tc_positions INNER JOIN tc_devices ON = tc_devices.positionid;

    <entry key='database.updateLatestPosition'>
        UPDATE tc_devices SET positionId = :id WHERE id = :deviceId

    <entry key='database.selectEvents'>
        SELECT * FROM tc_events WHERE deviceId = :deviceId AND serverTime BETWEEN :from AND :to ORDER BY serverTime

    <entry key='database.deletePositions'>
        DELETE FROM tc_positions WHERE serverTime &lt; :serverTime AND id NOT IN (SELECT positionId FROM tc_devices WHERE positionId IS NOT NULL)

    <entry key='database.deleteEvents'>
        DELETE FROM tc_events WHERE serverTime &lt; :serverTime

    <entry key='database.selectStatistics'>
        SELECT * FROM tc_statistics WHERE captureTime BETWEEN :from AND :to ORDER BY captureTime

In the older versions like 4.xx the default.xml have the elements mentioned above .

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I don't think it's related to the topic, but yes, those have been removed.