Traccar Android Client - Custom port with custom path

Dakora5 years ago

I'm having issues connecting to a Traccar Server instance with the mobile app. My server is being proxied through nginx to provide ssl, which works for the web interface.

I've proxied the mobile app's port 5055 through nginx as well, and when i navigate to the tracking url in my browser it logs the location event successfully, but the mobile app always says send failed. I believe it has to do with the fact that i use a url like

Is there anyway for the app to support custom ports AND custom paths at the same time in this manner?

eiten5 years ago

Yes, AFAIK path are not supported in the tracking URL.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Any valid URL is supported. If you get an error, it probably means that something is misconfigured on your proxy.

Dakora5 years ago

I've only been able to get either a direct IP or a non-ssl proxy to work. I can navigate just fine to the SSL URL in the mobile browser it gives me the HTTP 200 and a blank page, but it's always send failed in the app.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Traccar Client sends POST requests, so that's what you need to try.

Also, it shouldn't give you OK 200 for an empty request, if that's what you tried.

Dakora5 years ago

i tried with a test string like


and it shows up on the map as expected