traccar cannot parse greater than (>) symbole in queries

Yow7 years ago

Hi,when i'm trying to execut this query(this query is in default.xml):

<entry key='database.selectaLLdATA'>
        select * from positions 
        where id between
          ( select MAX(id) from positions
            where devicetime <= '2017-04-06 10:07:05'
          ( select MIN(id) from positions
            where devicetime >= '2017-04-06 10:06:57'
        and deviceId=2

it gives me this error:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 76; columnNumber: 22; The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
I think the problem in this sympole(<=) it cannot parse it..

Yow7 years ago

ok I FIXED THE problem thanks..

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please carefully read the error and investigate the problem before asking any questions.