Traccar client in another projects

M Rahman5 years ago

I am try to add traccar android client in my projects but it’s lots of error through because both projects has its own main activity.
Any idea or help how I can add in my local org library. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Below is my live android apps where I wanted to implement traccar client inside my live projects

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I don't see the problem. If you have name conflict, just rename classes or packages.

M Rahman5 years ago

Thanks for your prompt reply. I am really new on it. Would you please elaborate it what will be the Main Activity and why traccar client is looking the file ? I can see it’s on SDK implemented but m old projects doesn’t have

Do you have sample guid or code link for that ? It will be helpful for that. Also I wanted to set the device id as user mobile number by local methods through account registration class. so how I can do that ?

How we add

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I can't really teach you Android development. There are plenty of other online resources for that.