Traccar Client on Huawei with no Google Apps

Jorge Blanco 2 years ago

HI, I have been use Traccar server and Client for a long time, and it is a great app, thank you.
I used it with a different GPS devices and phones. About 3 days ago I changed Huawei phone from P20 (with google app) to P40 (no google app) and the Traccar Client does not send update location. I follow client troubleshooting guide and everything is OK, I checked the phone configuration about location permission and is OK, the battery permission and ok. I have been use this app many during many years, but I really don't know what is the issue this time. Anyone else with this problem.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Please post details for each step from the troubleshooting guide.

Jorge Blanco 2 years ago

I check status screen in the Traccar Client app
I don't see "location update" messages so, check step 2.
The accuracy in the app is set to medium, check step 4.
The phone has wifi connection and Internet access
I check system settings and the app has always location permission, battery use permission, and network (wifi and phone data permission)
I check system settings and location service are enable.
On Android I check that network location provider and it is enabled

If I open other app that use GPS, works Ok.
On Huawei P20 traccar client works ok, the problema is on P40. The conf in both phones are the same.
In P40 I downloaded the traccar client on Huawei AppGallery not from Google Play Store.

Thank you for you help.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

We never published our app on Huawei AppGallery. Are you sure it's an official app? Why not download it from our website?

Jorge Blanco 2 years ago

Great I dowloaded the app from traccar website and now everything is ok, I see location update and works great.
Thank you for your time and your help.
