Traccar filter configuration

Cristian2 years ago

I'm using the following configuration to enable some filters

<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.distance'>20</entry> 

and I also use this configuration to avoid filters if some attributes are present

<entry key='filter.skipAttributes.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.skipAttributes'>motion,event,alarm,alarm,ignition,result,result,status,driverUniqueId</entry>

but it happens that if a device stops in a place and then gives ignition without moving from there, the distance filter is not skipped and the gps does not stay in line in traccar.

Is my configuration ok or have I omitted something?


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You mean it's filtered or filtering is skipped? What does the position look like that is not filtered correctly?

Cristian2 years ago

the distance filter is not skipped on ignition

What does the position look like that is not filtered correctly?
I can't understand this question

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

OK, so the position is filtered? What makes you think it has the ignition?

Cristian2 years ago

because the vehicle was given ignition to test the engine stop command

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It doesn't really say anything. It might be that device doesn't send it or maybe it's not decoded. You need to check the actual data to pin down where the issue is. Without that it's not possible to help you.

Cristian2 years ago

I understand. thank you.