Traccar Login page hangs when trying to login (shows spinner)

Anton Tananaeva year ago

The error likely means that you haven't installed dependencies.

And markdown works. You're just pointing it to a web page instead of an image.

PawBuda year ago

Thanks a lot Anton, as for the markdown, that's my bad haha

marca year ago

Hi Sanskar. This thread had started a year ago, in response to a persistent 'spinner' suddenly appeared in an already-running instalation of Traccar. The cause of the spinner was content from a remote resource was (unexpectedly) blocked by the content delivery server on that day
A spinner can appear for various other reasons.
Looking at the screenshot you posted, it appears you have many '404's from several different content sources. They all have something in common, that's " " , a clue to what's going on in your case :-)

PawBuda year ago

Thanks a lot marc, but as anton stated, I simply had to run npm install to get the dependencies

marca year ago

Hi Anton. A spinner is very generic. Suggestion: option in INI file to replace spinner with some info.