Traccar on RPi

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Good day all

Firstly, Anton, Thank you for producing this excelent tool. Fantastic,easy to use, intuative. Well done. Had everything up and running in 12 minuses working perfectly.

I have been playing about a little and have Traccar running on a RPi model B, running Rasbian Jessie, connected to Internet. With several remote clients running updates every 5 seconds and several users logged in it is still running as if there was no load on the unit. Traccar is very light on memory and it is not tripped up once in the last couple of days running.

Next couple of days will migrate to MySQL running on same machine (determined to break this RPi) and will up the clients in the field.

Thanks again Anton, and thanks to all the forum members for addressing some of the questions I had. If I can help anyone with the installs or troubleshooting I would be happy to help.


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Thanks for feedback. Feel free to ask questions if you ever need help with Traccar.

flyjodel8 years ago

Hi Gyro, Anton,

i've been playing with traccar for now 6 months, on a windows PC, on a linux PC, and on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, always on a mySQL database because I then can play with it from other ressources.

Wheezy is easy. Jessie is messy, but just because of the initial configuration of the pi (installing the right keyboard, removing X, removing silly games ...)

It's working smoothly, and I'm as pleased as you !

flyjodel8 years ago

edit : I've just installed traccar on a Vultr server and it works fine on Debian. (the lowest version is enough costs $5/mo)


22:15:57 up 41 min, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.03, 0.05