Traccar Reverse Geo-coding Suggestion

jaimzj8 years ago

Dear Anton,

I had been spending time understanding the position delete feature added in 3.7, and thinking how nice it would be if users were able to archive data onto a different database server instead of delete. for users who can use these data in future for reports/analytics etc.

Thats when a thought crossed my mind,. Sharing it here,. It might not be the best suggestion or idea,. for traccar. But I had to share it :)

Traccar might be having a fairly good number of installations globally, what if a feature / optional is added, where the server admin's can actually enable a feature on traccar which will push their address values along with lat/long to a central server/database/service managed by traccar.

Which in return will have a web-service for other community users,. to query (reverse-geocode).

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Users can export data into CSV. Also server admin can always configure some kind of backup/exporting directly from the database.

As for central server for reverse geocoding, it might be a good idea, but it's kind of far from the main purpose of the server. If someone wants to work on a project like that, I'm happy to help with integration with Traccar.

jaimzj8 years ago

Dear Anton,

Maybe I do not have a very clear plan on this yet.

But I would surely be interested on working on that project, and making it available to the general community, primarily for traccar users.