Traccar Server without cloudflare and jsdelivr

crga5 years ago


I'm trying to build a Traccar v4.4 server that has limited Web access. I have been through load.js to change the links to find dependencies at cloudflare and jsdeliver, but unfortunately when I try to navigate to the server webpage, I'm still getting the spinning blue loading icon and a suggestion its still trying to gain information from jsdelivr on the web. Is there any other files that I need to edit apart from the load.js?

Please note I have already created a directory for hopefully all the cloudflare/jsdelivr files in my servers local directory.

Any help is much appreciated.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Check browser network console and see what's missing.

crga5 years ago


I have checked this via the Web developer on Firefox and all the items are 'green' and '200', yet I'm still getting the blue spinning icon. For Version 4.5, is there a list of files it needs? Is it just those within the load.js?


crga5 years ago


I have now looked within the 'console' tab of the browser development tool and I can see multiple errors of:- 'loading failed for the <script> with source"...……………….".'

My JavaScript writing experience is very limited, so obviously I have the structure wrong for sending the load.js away to find the locally stored cloudflare files. If I have them saved on my server machine C drive in a folder names cloudflare, what is the correct syntax for this directory path? i.e C:/program files/traccar/cloudflare/ext-all.js

All help much appreciated.

crga5 years ago


I've managed to work my way through amending the load.js to see the dependencies offline, but sadly I've hit one last issue. Right at the end of the web page trying to load in my browser I gain an error of 'TypeError: ol.proj.proj4 is undefined'. Firefox and IE are both highlighting app.min.js and ext-all.js as potential issues. Do I need to alter the script in these to make the Traccar server work with its limited web access?
