Traccar with Kubernetes

bozz-cath4 years ago

Hi, Anton Tananaev

I would like to ask some question about best practice of Traccar as container.
As I know the Traccar docs have the docker container example.
Then If I run the container on the Kubernetes cluster. It's possible ? (Mean the Traccar is support for Kubernetes)

The thing that I want to implement It's kind of stateless services.
So I read this topic
It's doesn't any mention to the stateless or Kubernetes architecture. Just only the host the Traccar on VM. And the problem of database connection.

It's would be great If have any example case for Traccar with Kubernetes.

Please consider the image flow below

The question is It's possible to do like that?
and I have to consider anything before implementing? or Traccar limitation? and compatiblity of Traccar and kubernetes?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Traccar doesn't support horizontal scaling. It has internal cache.

bozz-cath4 years ago

So, Do you have any recommandation for spectification of VM?
For instance,

1000 Device, 100 Users (for web admin that used the Websocket also).
4vCPU / 8GB Ram?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It all depends on the message volume.

bozz-cath4 years ago

You means like the amount of device and update frequency right?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago


bozz-cath4 years ago

Got it, How about 1000 Device with interval update is 15 second
and 50 Users (for web admin that used the Websocket also).

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

That's pretty high load. You should probably do your own load testing to figure out what works.

Sorry to get into this old topic.
is it possible to use only the api with kubernates?
I don't use the web interface.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Why not? Nobody is going to force you to use the web app.