traccar with postgresql update server error

jamel3 years ago

I installed traccar server with a postgresql database using docker.
and it' s working fine but when i try to update my server like changing the speedUnit it always failed with this error

ERROR: column "announcement" of relation "tc_servers" does not exist
  Position: 106 - PSQLException (... < QueryBuilder: 480 < DataManager: 464 < PermissionsManager: 434 < ...)

any help?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Looks like you haven't upgraded your server correctly.

jamel3 years ago

Hi Anton,
thank you for replying
so as i said i'm using traccar inside docker container with the official Dockerfile.
and this is my docker-compose.yml file :
i didn't interstand exactly what is wrong with my server

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Your database schema is incorrect.

jamel3 years ago

Hi Anton,
Thank you for explain,
I didn't touch my database,
so do you have any idea how to fix it ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You have to run the liquibase changelogs or fix it manually.

jamel3 years ago

Hi Anton,
I have no idea about liquibase.
But i fixed it by creating an announcement table inside my database.
Thank you for helping

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Not sure how that fixed it because the issue was missing column, not a table.