Tracker as subpage to website

Leif Neland6 years ago

I want to show traccar at https://www.mydom.tld/tracker/

I have entered this in apache under my website:

                ProxyPass /tracker/api/socket/ ws://localhost:8082/api/socket
                ProxyPassReverse /tracker/api/socket/ ws://localhost:8082/api/socket

                ProxyPass /tracker/ http://localhost:8082/
                ProxyPassReverse /tracker/ http://localhost:8082/

I get the login screen, I can login, I see the frames and maps, but no data or pointers, and then I get sent back to the login prompt.
If I check "remember me", I just loop: Frames and map is shown, then page blanks and reloads.

I see this in the apache log:

"GET /tracker/api/devices?_dc=1509986307503&page=1&start=0&limit=25 HTTP/1.1" 401 626 "https://www.mydom.tld/tracker/"

Note the 401 error code.
The other requests are accepted with a 200 code

GET /tracker/images/car.svg HTTP/1.1" 200 3983

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I'm not sure if it's still the case, but in older versions Traccar always assumed that /api path is in the root. Check this thread:

I think we have fixed it since then and version 3.14 should work fine even if it's not in the root, but I haven't tested it myself.