Unknown device with IMEI 359710040xxxxxxx very similar to "gps103"

marc7 years ago

Tracker server works great. Though getting it up and running is a steep learning curve, but well worth the effort.

I believe my device has protocol not supported by Traccar. Very close but not = "gps103". I think the Traccar server might be tripping over on a detail.

Looking at the server's logfile my device's data remains in HEX, not decoded. The exchange going on (I decoded the hex) is:

device > server:


(I'd just switched servers with an SMS command)

server > Log:

WARN: Unknown device - 359710040103591  

...Then after a while:

device > server:


server > device:


...repeating every minute...

I can confirm the device ID 359710040103591 and model 'gps103' both appear in the device list, so I can only assume it's unknown protocol.

When put data side by side with examples (my other devices which work) we can see there's a very slight difference (highlighted)

imei:123456789012345,help me,1201011201,,F,120100.000,A,6000.0000,N,13000.0000,E,0.00,;





(If can't see the ends, zoom out page view i.e. CTRL & - )

I don't know what the extra number at the end is , but I suspect it's tripping up the data parsing and causing WARN: Unkown device log entry

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's a regular GPS103 protocol, so port 5001 should work. "Unknown device" warning means that you haven't registered your device on the server.

marc7 years ago

hmmm.. strange. I'm reasonably sure I'd made known this device on the server, using:

Identifier; 359710040103591
Model: gps103

I'll check again, I'll now cut and paste the number out of the Log File and below that paste the number from out the "Device" dialog box...


I'll try deleting the device and re-creating it

marc7 years ago

Working now. After I'd deleted then re-created the device. Maybe there was an invisible character somewhere?

The only WARN messages now are

WARN: Geocoding failed - Empty address - GeocoderException (JsonGeocoder:74 < ...)

for all the devices but I'll deal with that later.

I'm still puzzled about those last numbers on the end of the raw data message (highlighted):


My other devices have zero values here.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's course/direction. The value is in degrees with zero meaning North.

marc7 years ago

Ah yes of course. I can confirm these last two values are velocity (km/hr) & course (degrees reference N)

I've just noticed something else about the data. Extra data sometimes appears between the 3rd and 4th comma. For some of my devices, I see my own mobile/cellphone number I use to send SMS. I guess that is to remind which number is registered as admin.