WARN: /api/socket - NullPointerException after server restart

Avanta year ago

I understand that this error occurs for the Web app trying to connect with an expired or old session but if for some reason, your server has restarted, it invalidates all the logged in sessions and the server is now showing this error in the logs for all the sessions.

My concern is the user is unaware of this issue, updates are not happening and they do not know until they do a manual page refresh and then are presented with the login page.

Is there a way to send all these connected sessions back to the login screen when their 'connection' is now broken?
I assume it affects the mobile app in the same way?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Users will see a connection issue badge on the main screen. They will also see errors when they try to do something.

Avanta year ago

is the "connection issue badge" that tiny red dot on the map icon on bottom left? Otherwise I see nothing? Clicking or hovering that red dot does nothing.
I tried to do a report after a server restart, and got this ugly red error -

"HTTP 401 Unauthorized - WebApplicationException (SecurityRequestFilter:126 < ...)"

Neither are user friendly.. sorry.

Someone relying on an open map screen that unknowingly isn't updating anymore. You can still click around on various tracked items, and there's no errors - just out of date locations.

Can this be improved please?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Already improved.