WARN: Set property error

Fay4 years ago

Hello all,
I am receiving the following error message on the log:

WARN: Set property error - Unrecognized token 'NULL': was expecting 'null', 'true', 'false' or NaN
 at [Source: (String)"NULL
"; line: 1, column: 5] - JsonParseException (... < QueryBuilder:407 < *:458 < *:308 < DataManager:447 < PositionResource:57 < ...)

Any idea what this could be and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You are sending invalid JSON. I think the error is pretty self-explanatory.

Fay4 years ago

Thank you Anton but what does this mean? I did not change anything in Traccar programming so what have I done wrong? And how can I fix it?

Diego Marchesini4 years ago

You set a NULL (uppercase) instread of null, true or false... the error is telling you how to fix it.

Fay4 years ago

Hello again,
After some deeper researches, I guess the fact that I have uploaded data into the database has created this error. So probably I have imported a field with NULL instead of null.
I'm not a programmer, I try to learn by my own and all this is new to me. What I understood from the error is that I have entered the wrong value. In a column 5. I've checked all my column 5 in every table, I didn't find where I got wrong since if I say is null or is NULL, I am getting the same data. How can I determine where this entry has been entered?
I appreciate any feedback that could help me. Below is the full error.
Thanks in advance.

WARN: Set property error - Unrecognized token 'NULL': was expecting 'null', 'true', 'false' or NaN
 at [Source: (String)"NULL
"; line: 1, column: 5] - JsonParseException (... < QueryBuilder:407 < *:458 < *:308 < DataManager:447 < PositionResource:57 < ...)
Diego Marchesini4 years ago

What are you executing that thows that error in the Log? A query, report...? And how do you import data to the DB?, with a script?

Fay4 years ago

Yes, I have imported the data through a script. I have not executed any query since and the error is still coming. I've checked all DB, each tables, etc.. I didn't find where it could be. Any idea on at least knowing where to find it?

Diego Marchesini4 years ago

see in the original DB from where you imported the data if exist a NULL valor...