XT107 sometimes works sometimes not...

flyjodel8 years ago

Hi Anton,

a little question and I don't know where to start with :

i've installed traccar on many systems (Windows 7, Linux Ubuntu, elementary OS, Raspberry pi, Debian on Vultr etc).
Presently, I have 3 versions running for testing purposes : Windows, Rpi and Vultr/Debian

The Vultr debian version works fine with my android client on port 5055 and the positions are recieved in the mysql database without any problem, displayed fine.
But when I send the XT107 tracker the command adminip123456 ip.of.vultr.server 5006 , there seems to be no way to get the information towards traccar.

No information about this device in tracker-server.log
nmap says the port 5006 is open :

nmap ip.of.vultr.server -p 5006

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-01-06 23:24 CET
Nmap scan report for ip.of.vultr.server (ip.of.vultr.server)
Host is up (0.024s latency).
5006/tcp open unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.95 seconds

what could I do to fix this ?

I must say that the XT107 works fine when addressing another IP, for example traccar on my Raspberry pi, or on Windows, who both are on my local network

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

If you don't see any HEX data in the log, it means that server doesn't receive any data from device. I guess some network issues. Usually it means wrong configuration on router or firewall, but if say the port is visible from outside world I don't know what else it can be.

flyjodel8 years ago

yes, no HEX in the log. There is HEX, but only coming from 5055 (my android client). And the port is open. And AFAIK there is no router and no firewall on a VPS like vultr, at least at the beginning of the configuration. I'll try to ask on a specialized forum... thanks !