new installation of Traccar

karman10 months ago

hi, i have tested traccar web by following link which is working fine for me. But i want to update source code and deploy it on digitalocean (ubuntu 22.04). I need step by step configuration to deploy java based traccar backend and traccar-portal frontend on ubuntu with out running any script given on the website under download section. please

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

We have this documentation for building from source code:

karman10 months ago

Thank you Anton for your prompt response. yes i have followed the link and its working through script but i want to know that how can i configure traccar portal to run with apache 2.
2nd query is that how can we run traccar back end jar file. i have run command java -jar tracker-server.jar conf/traccar.xml which ends up file not found exception. please i want to deploy both server and web portal from git repo with out using automated window / linux installation.

karman10 months ago

2ndly if i run the server through / script then where i should replace my customized modern folder inside traccar-portal. either it will be replaced in /opt/traccar or some where??

karman10 months ago

Kindly give me at least some idea waiting for response please.