Daily scheduled report?, always send me the same day

almera4204a year ago

Hello, I need to send a scheduled report of the stops of each day of a vehicle. I've tried a simple and personalized calendar, but this doesn't work....it always sends me the day the report was created, repeated every day, it doesn't change the day, what am I doing wrong?I have my own server. Thank you!!!

jfa year ago

I have the exact same question. I have created a calendar, "From" and "To" are the same date, 00.00 - 23.59 and recurrence set to daily. I mean there is the posibility to set 365 calendars for a year to report every day, but can't it be set so it creates a report every day for the current day?

Cristiana year ago

I asked the same question some time ago and got no answer.
the same thing happens to me, it always sends the same date.

SwayDeva year ago

Facing same situation.

Anton Tananaeva year ago
almera4204a year ago

Thanks Anton!!, I understand that we put these files and paths in /usr/src within the linux system, right? Stuck like this and testing, with some permission?
Great job, if it works I'll comment here

Anton Tananaeva year ago
almera4204a year ago

Installed this version, held my breath and started!!! I inform if the calendar is now going well in the scheduled reports. Thanks Anton, great job

almera4204a year ago

Hello again Anton, I notice that with this preliminary version, the memory consumption is higher, at least I think so, in my VPS server with 512MB of RAM, with nothing else installed than Traccar, the server is 99% working of the cpu. A simple indication in case it can help you. Thank you!!!

Anton Tananaeva year ago

That's probably not enough memory. You need to have at least 1gb, ideally 2gb or more.

almera4204a year ago

The calendar works perfectly. Thanks Anthony!!!

almera4204a year ago


SwayDeva year ago

Thank you Anton for fixing it.

almera4204a year ago

Hi Anton, sorry to bother you again, scheduled reports come out with a two hour error. If I get the information from Reports it goes well, with its hours, but in scheduled it always sends them with 2 hours less, in case there is a solution. Thank you!!!


Anton Tananaeva year ago

Have you configured the timezone for the user?