How create a manager?

Anders Yuran4 years ago

How do I create a manager in the server?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Have you read the official documentation?

ubiratan.lima4 years ago


In the part where it is to mark admin, do not check, just put a number of trackers / devices so that he can register devices, inform a number of users if you want this manager to register users.

Anders Yuran4 years ago

Yes Anton I have read the documentation but there is NOT ONE WORD about how to create a manager. Its a pity that the documentation is not as super as the software because traccar is really good

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

If user limit is set to 0, it means that user is not a manager. The difference between manager and regular user is in their user limit value. Manager has limit not equals to 0.